Falcon's Messerschmitt Bf 109 Hangar

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Here you find reproductions of handbooks from german planes of the Luftwaffe.
Bf 109 "Cäsar"

more versions ->

Bf 109 C-1

short description

Erstes Serienmuster der Bf 109 C-Reihe.
Es wurden 58 Maschinen bei den Bayrischen Flugzeugwerken (BFW) in Augsburg gebaut. [Q-2]

produced from:

technical data

length (m) :
height (m) :
wing span (m) :
max. airspeed (km/h) :
max. range (km) :
max. altitude (m) :
own weight (kg) :
flight weight (kg) :
used engine(s) :
Jumo 210 G
engine armament(s) :
fuselage armament(s) :
MG 17
wing armament :
MG 17
drop armament(s) :
(bombs, rockets)
radio(s) :
other device(s) :

Pictorial material

[ 8 b/w-Photos ]
[ 0 Color-Photos ]
[ 0 b/w-Pictures ]
[ 0 Color-Pictures ]
[ 0 b/w-Profiles ]
[ 0 Color-Profiles ]
[ 0 Line Drawings ]

The size of the photo/picture is: 47.58 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 186.35 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 102.94 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 63.85 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 55.16 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 76.3 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 64.16 KB

The size of the photo/picture is: 86.39 KB

© 1999 - 2024
David Weiss